About our respite care

Your chosen respite carer is there to do all the things you normally do. They can live in your home or attend on a visiting basis – your care plan is tailored completely to your needs. An individual support plan is created before any care commences to ensure our carers meet all of your requirements.

We cover different types of respite care:

What we do

Everybody needs some time for themselves, even more so when they care for someone else. This is where respite care can be integral to you and your carer’s routine.

Whether it’s covering a two-week holiday, a short break, or needed urgently because of sickness or a family emergency, we’re here when you need us to offer one-to-one care from skilled professionals trained.

Professional approach

Agee Care Ltd has professional and well trained care staff who are certified in the areas of health and social care, and support services, etc.